What is Mind Diet ???
As time goes by many body organs face fatigue and difficulty in functioning properly. Our brain, being one of the busiest and most important points of everyday operations cannot be an exception.
Our mind charged with a huge number of commitments, problems and other worries added every day can never function on a sufficient level.
The result is easily understood by any person, in the form of lower response to tasks of every individual and in many cases a state of confusion attempting to identify problems, determine solutions, or overcome difficult situations.
As mentioned many times in the past, nutrition can play a catalytic role (positive or negative).
A good and balanced diet may prevent serious health problems, while a bad and aggravating one produces exactly the opposite.
Having a large number of diets dedicated to treat or assist various parts of the body, today we thought it could be appropriate and even very helpful to introduce a diet concerned with mind’s health, so preventing any possible damage to our brain.
Mind Diet is a combination of two well known and popular diet programs.
The diets, DASH and Mediterranean joined forces to create a healthy brain-boosting diet and a beneficial and balanced diet for the whole family.
Though no certainty exists on how to prevent degenerative brain diseases (such as Alzheimer’s disease) this diet can certainly reduce the negative possibilities dramatically.
The development of a progressive brain disorder is related to many factors, external or even internal (as heredity). Degenerative depletion of brain neurons causes serious permanent damage progressing gradually.
In fact, people very loyal to their diet rules have been able to reduce their risk of developing cognitive degeneration by as much as 55%.
Mind Diet holds the 4th place in the “Best Diets” list
The Mind Diet following an evaluation of 40 other dietary programs has won the 4th place finally.
The evaluation was carried out by a team of experts and the 4th place was related to the overall offer of a diet based on its health benefits.
In addition holds the respective classifications shown below in evaluations conducted in various categories:
The diet plan set by the Mind Diet, organizes a daily diet rich in benefits for body in general and for mind in specific.
It is well known that nuts, green leafy vegetables and fruits constitute the “key” to a strong and firm body, equally being a key to a strong and clear mind, not being effected by the effect of the time and the tough conditions of everyday life.
Did you know that reaching the age of 80 and above, the possibility of developing a degenerative brain disease might reach a percentage of 45%?
It’s really scary thinking about it, especially knowing that upon reaching that point, no treatment may be effected anymore.
A well-structured diet – including O3 good fatty acids, vitamin D3, vitamin B12, melatonin and Q10 – as well as a different lifestyle (with minimum sedentary life and regular physical activity) can greatly enhance the brain capacity and function, so reducing the risk of dementia or other related diseases.
It is not a coincidence that the Mediterranean Diet is regarded as a “nutritional standard” by all nutritionists around the world.
Proper nutrition – as numerous scientific studies have shown can cause significant (and by no means negligible) changes even in people older than 80 years of age.
Both DASH and Mediterranean diets are nutritional programs promoting good brain function, improving memory and good mental function in general.
Mind Diet, as the result of uniting the two recognized nutrition programs, is therefore the most suitable nutritional program for a strong and agile mind.
Here are the pros & cons of the diet.
The Mind Diet proposes a number of nutritional rules, including both“foods beneficial to mind” and “foods harmful mind”
In this way daily diet plan may be organized, by adding beneficial foods and avoiding harmful foods.
Foods labeled as “beneficial” have been scientifically proved to promote good brain function and enhance memory, providing spiritual acuity, ingenuity, and versatility.
Nuts | Sugar & by-products |
Olive oil | Saturated fat |
Fish (mostly oily fish) | Fried |
Legumes | Manufactured meals |
Fast food | |
Wholemeal products | Red Meat |
Berries (mostly blackberries) | |
Cruciferous vegetables | |
Green leafy vegetables | |
Soy products | |
Avocado | |
Poultry | |
Seeds | |
Cocoa | |
Wine (1 glass / day) | |
Dark Chocolate | |
Coffee |
Looking at the table below we see the
It is noted that the Mind Diet – as it was expected – excludes standard meals, fast foods, sugars, and generally all harmful products usually consumed in our daily lives by habit.
It also recommends nuts, fish, poultry, vegetables and fruits, foods well known as health-promoting.
A number of points attracting our interest are:
It recommends consuming (surely to a certain degree) wine, coffee, chocolate (dark) and cocoa, while not allowing red meat (which, according to research, has a detrimental effect on brain health)!
An easy diet to follow?
Yes! As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Mind Diet has been ranked 4th in the Ease of Eating Diet List, not requiring special and rare products.
Everything may be found in the usual supermarket and in every home, being in general a very healthy diet to be followed by the whole family (adults & children).
This diet does not produce any difficulty to user for eating out in a restaurant. Offers a wide variety of options to choose from and allows the user to consume smaller quantities of alcohol.
Finally, it does not restrict the person following the diet to special recipes. All you need to do is learn to cook in a healthier way, while you check on the quality of your meals regularly.
Physical exercise is not mandatory by the Mind Diet itself.
However, studies show better results for people who are exercising regularly.
So it is recommended a minimum of 2 – 3 hours exercise of moderate intensity per week for all adults regardless of age.
It is also suggested, in addition to some basic aerobic exercise, a weekly muscle strengthening program.
Many people find this specific diet as negative not providing any specific guidelines about the meals allowed for consumption and the way they should be cooked.
On the contrary, I consider this point as a complete freedom.
This is basically a healthy diet and not a restrictive diet.
Mind Diet is based on Mediterranean diet and cuisine. It is advisable to use pure virgin olive oil instead of butter, as well as many vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish.
Also another disadvantage (for many people) is the fact that recommends systematic exercise in the lifestyle adopted.
However, even a few hours of walking on a weekly basis can improve your life expectancy dramatically, while help health greatly.
This diet is definitely a little more expensive than consuming poor quality foods, oils and fats of unknown quality and generally processed foods.
In any case, this is a very affordable diet, since fruits and vegetables do not create any particular problem to a financial budget, not acceptable to any person of medium income.
Fish may be more expensive, but there are also a number of more affordable options equally nutritious.
Mind Diet is a diet plan promoting the personal overall good health as well as its brain functioning.
Ideally, it should be used from an early age, as provides protection against serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.
For even better results and stronger process of thinking, it is recommended using Mind Diet along with regular activity on a weekly basis, and a good and reliable supplement.