It’s really quite tough for a man to start feeling is losing his “manhood”. Fortunately thanks to science advancements now there are special testosterone booster products assisting on overcoming this unpleasant problem.
Unfortunately in the course of the years the man undergoes a hormonal change affecting not only his appearance and sex life, but his psychological condition as well.
The body tends to produce less testosterone hormone resulting to a number of consequences.
There is no particular attention at the moment the first signs appear.
However, as time goes by, the signs become increasingly prominent and this leads to a “low” psychological condition.
According to experts, testosterone hormone levels are at their peak around the age of 25 years, considering this period as the strongest phase of a man.
Proceeding from the 25 years and further a fall in testosterone production begins, which in certain cases is faster than normal, making a young person feeling like an old man!
This should not be acceptable.
You may have noticed that regardless of a hard exercise, an attempt to build muscles and in general to strengthen your body and lose fat, your body refuses to obey!
This is a sign that you might have a low testosterone level!
Although many ignore it, free testosterone is extremely important for the organism. We often find men who have normal levels of testosterone, but the free testosterone levels and they are responsible for causing various problems.
If you are a man and you have low levels of testosterone, then a testosterone booster is the one offering the solution.
Definitely the first and most important reason that testosterone levels are low is the age. Over the years, the organism has “come of an age”, leading to a decrease of testosterone production.
However, age is not the only factor affecting testosterone production by the organism.
Some of the main reasons contributing to testosterone reduction are:
Obesity causes many important problems in smooth organism functioning, one being the reduction of the testosterone hormone.
What happens is caused by an enzyme produced in the body in obese or overweight persons. This enzyme – called aromatase – is capable to convert the testosterone found in your organism to a female hormone (estrogen).
The more body fat on body, the more aromatase is produced in your body, and thus the greater the amount of testosterone will turn into estrogen. That simply means that the more you increase the fat on your body, the more female hormones and so a smaller amount of male hormones are produced in your body.
Have you been aware of this?
For a man, with low testosterone in his body there are multiple consequences (including feeling weak, increased sentimentality, gynecomastia, impotence, erectile dysfunction and difficulty in muscle strengthening).
A few drinks in the afternoon, just after a really demanding day, will make you relax, but did you know that this affects your testosterone levels?
This happens because with alcohol consumption, some endorphins are released into the organism. These endorphins – offering the sense of euphoria and relaxation – are those “causing a damage” on your testosterone!
Besides, alcohol carries many calories, giving nothing nutritional and further accumulating in your body’s liposomes, so creating flab. Furthermore, as mentioned, the more fat accumulated in the body, the lower the levels of testosterone.
It is a fact, sugar is bad for teeth … but it’s also bad for testosterone as well! According to an official scientific study from Oxford University, a group of 75 men consuming 75 grams of pure sugar, showed a significant decrease in their testosterone levels and this was confirmed on all of them! A reduction quite large, around 25%!
At this point the results are controversial, with a number of scientists supporting that soy consumption reduces levels of testosterone and hence sperm counts, while another group claims there is no established association between them.
Lack of sleep or problematic & poor quality sleep is a source of many adverse health problems. Although not well known in the world, poor quality sleep and insomnia are causing a tremendous damage on testosterone.
The rate of reduction on the testosterone levels may be 15% and higher if the sleep is of poor quality or a lot shorter that it is needed.
In case a low testosterone level is suspected or found (due to difficulty in training, not functioning of diets, or due to many other reasons), a good and safe dietary supplement of testosterone enhancement (Testosterone Booster) is the solution you are looking for!
A serious and reliable product will help you:
But if you thought that was all … you are wrong!
The benefits of increasing testosterone (using a right and safe product) in a man’s body are really countless. Some additional and very serious effects following the use of a testosterone booster will help you to have:
A large percentage of men have low testosterone levels …without even knowing it!
A man is considered as having low testosterone levels when the total blood testosterone levels are less than 300 ng / dl, and free testosterone levels are below 5 ng / dl.
Low testosterone levels can be diagnosed by symptoms such as:
Testosterone boosters are supplements aiming at increasing testosterone levels in your organism. But are all similar?
In fact what a Testosterone Booster does is to work by adjusting your hormones – causing an immediate increase in testosterone and preventing it from becoming estrogen (that is, female hormones)!
A good testosterone supplement – adjusting and improving hormones in your body – brings you multiple benefits:
However, to classify a testosterone supplement as good, it is not enough simply to have a positive effect on the organism and the body but to exclude any possible negative energy or side effect might have on health, as well.
There is a limited number of chemical supplements assisting on raising testosterone hormone and not causing serious health effects on the user, as well
Could you ignore them?
If we refer to “Types of Testosterone Boosters”, then we basically refer to two basic types:
So there are the known steroids have actually impressive results on testosterone levels, but we all know the very serious and dangerous side effects caused by them even on the user.
Talking about steroids we could distinguish them in 3 categories:
Let’s pay attention on the category of anabolic steroids, which is our current topic due to their association with the testosterone.
Everyone believes that anabolic steroids are testosterone supplements. What’s the truth?
Examining what anabolic steroids can do we could understand better the situation.
Anabolic steroids are mainly aiming at the enhancement of the metabolic state of anabolism which certainly points towards the reconstruction of muscles and the strengthening and firming of the body.
Testosterone is a hormone! It’s a male hormone, responsible for many functions in a man’s body. The deep voice, the muscular body, the development of testicles and prostate, the beard, the heavier skeletal system (compared to female) … all these are only a few elements linked directly to the levels of testosterone in a male’s (of any age) organism.
Both steroids and pure testosterone supplements are only given on prescription for therapeutic purposes only! Their use by athletes and bodybuilders becomes illegal and is extremely dangerous.
Pure testosterone is available in injection form, while anabolic steroids can be found in both injection and oral capsules.
So it’s obvious that talking about testosterone and anabolic steroids … we are talking about two different products, but both are dangerous if they are not administered by a doctor.
So if you have a serious health problem which requires the use of a similar supplement, your doctor is to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
But in case of an athlete looking for training help or loss of excess body fat, then there is a category of “Natural Testosterone Boosters”
They do not require medical prescription, they are very easy to obtain and are easy to use them as well (oral and not by injection).
Because they are new generation products, they are completely effective despite their natural composition and in addition they are scientifically tested!
With a Natural Testosterone Booster you can have all the benefits without the unpleasant and especially dangerous side effects!
There is a strict reference to legal products absolutely natural, not causing damage or problems to the organism!
Following a thorough research into various products currently available in the market aiming at boosting testosterone, the products examined were:
The following two products have attracted our interest mainly because of the preference shown by the public.
The 2 Best Testosterone Booster products:
Testogen presents a certified revolutionary formula – as claimed by the company – 100% natural with very effective ingredients.
What is the truth about this product? Is it really effective?
What is certain after a first look at Testogen’s composition is that its natural ingredients respect the body and pose no health risk.
But are capable of stimulating the levels of testosterone in the organism?
Testogen’s ingredients are all clinically tested before being approved.
Testogen’s composition may be natural, but it promises real results, without any health problems and side effects.
The main ingredients of Testogen are:
It takes 4 Testogen pills a day for just a few weeks to notice the first real and visible results of increasing testosterone concentration in your organism. The visible results of using Testogen are reflected in many things in your organism and body.
The most important results are:
Testo Max is another Testosterone Booster with high levels of preference among people and very good feedback. The name of the manufacturer is considered to be a guarantee of nutritional supplements for bodybuilding, while receives extremely positive reviews from its users.
Testo Max is the legal alternative to the well-known Sustanon Anabolic.
Surely the composition of Testo Max is not chemical like Sustanon, so not causing any side effects.
Its effective action is achieved thanks to a natural ingredient the Tribulus Terrestris managing to increase the levels of testosterone to a very good extent.
D-aspartic acid, also contained in Testo Max formula, works in a regulative way. What it does is to regulate the production of luteinizing hormone, responsible for producing the testosteron in the organism. This is what all bodybuilders know about. Testosterone is of primary importance for the reconstruction of muscle mass and for better performance during training.
The main active ingredients of Testo Max are:
It has been approved by the US National Medicines Agency (FDA) and meets all necessary standards for health and safety.
It is not administered by injection but by a pill orally, making its use very friendly for every user.
Results – according to company – may be visible from the very first 24 hours. However, in order to have satisfactory results it is necessary to use it for a period of some days.