Q: Bodymedia – What it is?

A: Bodymedia is a web-based database including information on health, sports, a variety of products and supplements (for example, supplements for slimming, bodybuilding, general muscle creation and empowerment, nootropic preparations, products against erectile dysfunction, gynaecomastia and a lot more).

A large number of articles providing answers and information to your questions are also found here 

Q: How can I contact Bodymedia?

A: You may contact us via our e-mail address:


Q: What BodyMedia’s reviews offer?

A: A number of factors relating to the products available in the market are leading us to evaluate a product “good” or “bad”

However security and respect for organism and health are our top priorities in compiling there reviews. 

Our team, along with the experts and editors of the material published in Bodymedia opposes the use of products presenting even the slightest risk for the health and right functioning of the organism. 

To elaborate on this point, here are some of the basic criteria on our evaluations:

  • Product’s composition
  • Status of manufacturing company
  • Product’s certifications
  • Company’s evaluation 
  • Personal evaluation 
  • Personal experience
  • Experience and testimonies of the product’s users
  • Side effects caused
  • What is achieved by the specific product
  • Cost of product
  • Special offers available
  • Delivery and shipping
  • Money back guarantee (if offered)

Q: Can Bodymedia offer medical support?

A: Certainly not. Though our team has a number of health experts, no diagnosis or treatment on any case are possible, since no examination has been made and no a complete medical history of the person is available. This is the point where the personal physician should be consulted and involved on the solution of the specific problem. 

Q: What is the action suggested in case any personal or other person’s copyright is violated by Bodymedia contents?  

A: Certainly this is a serious matter. Let me tell you that we always control our contents before these are posted in internet. 

However if at any instance you believe that a violation was committed we would like to know about it by contacting us via email at the address: bodymedia@hotmail.com

Please do not forget to give us details of the article violating the copyright, along with a description of the violation, including specific data about the copyright violated  

Q: What is Bodymedia’s general perception?

A: Bodymedia supports the effort of gaining a body of your dreams, however always within the acceptable lines and maintaining the respect to nature and to user’s organism and health.

We advocate the prudent “interference” in our body, not “forcing” its natural functioning, needs and endurance.

Q: How Bodymedia makes a profit?

A: As already mentioned, no profit is made by selling or and promoting any products. No private line of products exists, so no recommendations on certain products are made to our readers. Our reviews are 100% impartial, honest, objective, based always on specific data available for any product. 

Expenses occurring due to maintenance and proper site’s operation are covered by advertising posted in the site.  

Q: Which products are sold via Bodymedia? 

A: As explained in the previous answer, no products are sold or promoted via this site. All products evaluated and reviewed in the site can be purchased by the reader on its own initiative and decision via the official site of each product.

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