Ostarine, certainly one of the most popular SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) currently, enjoys this popularity without being unnoticed.
Which could be the reason for being so popular?
Ostarine (MK2866), apart from being a very popular supplement, is a very powerful (organically friendly) substitute to anabolics, as well.
Its strong composition combined with its mild (i.e. no side effects) action looks that has already gained the trust of potential buyers.
SARMs in general, and Ostarine (MK2866) more specifically, introduce a new quite promising concept for dietary supplements.
Bodybuilders always use strong products and they will continue to do so aiming at boosting muscle mass and maintaining it intact during the cutting phase (i.e. rapid body fat loss).
It is the improvement being necessary, as there are great demands for their bodies and – consequently – for themselves. A situation of no limit.
After all, everybody needs that little extra, the so called improvement, exceeding its personal record.
This product with a new concept (completely different from the classic anabolic steroids) delivering powerful anabolic action without any subsequent consequences for the organism and health, constitutes a real and fresh promise, justifying the attraction gained from all athletes
(specifically in the area of bodybuilding).
Prior to testing this product, we looked for reviews and comments from users to get for forming a clear picture of what to be expected.
Surprisingly, it was revealed that the majority of bodybuilders – users of Ostarine (MK2866) dietary supplement admit a broad range of benefits after its use.
Below are listed the most common and significant:
As a major advantage of this SARM it is noted that is effective and beneficial for both the Bulking and Cutting Phases.
Following the collection of key reviews from users, and verifying the product’s safe composition (discussed below), our team decided to perform a personal test of the product. This was aiming at revealing the benefits (if any), in case this is not used by a professional athlete or bodybuilder, but by a common person training systematically, with no any further extensions.
My personal experience after 3 months of regular use was a certainty for Ostarine mainly for the cutting phase.
The help provided to the organism for maintaining the muscle mass intact from the process of targeted fat burning (in cases of low calorie diet) is very important.
I do not know how it feels when taking anabolics (as I have never been a user), but I could say that the active capacity of Ostarine (MK2866) really excites me.
It is the same, or quite the same, or has nothing to do with the action of anabolics is something I cannot answer.
However, what I can say for sure is that it works.
Usually, when I was in cutting phase I was losing muscle mass, while I noticed significant loss of strength, fatigue and a low endurance, a fact quite reasonable!
A dramatic reduction in energy gain comes, by consuming significantly lower calorie intake in meals.
With Ostarine (MK2866) not only I did not feel any weakness & difficulty to complete my workouts, but on the contrary, I noticed that I had much more dynamic & explosive training sessions than ever before.
I felt full of energy and noticed better performance in my training sets.
The recommendation for this SARM includes very low doses, while its effective capability is quite strong.
We recommend a very low dose at the start (until the organism’s reaction to the product is established) and then adjusting to dosage in accordance wit the company’s recommendation.
It is found that just 10mg / day is capable of delivering spectacular results (not just in physical terms, but also even in the way you feel).
A standard dosage of Ostarine is between 10 mg and 30 mg per day, adjusted according to individual requirements, but also according to Bulking or Cutting Phase followed.
Based on my research, the comfortable spot for most users seems to be at 20mg per day.
I insist that I prefer this product especially for the cutting phase because I found that provided great assistance.
I followed the aforementioned dosages and I confess that I did not feel any need to increase or exceed the recommended dose as prescribed by the company.
The results observed were visible & overwhelming.
I had a significant support during the enhancement phase, but that was not because I have tried harder.
A typical cycle usually lasts from eight to 12 weeks (depending on the individual & training program applied).
The period for having visible results using Ostarine (MK2866), includes 1 to 2 weeks.
The product goes either individually or in combined composition in stacks of products.
Many athletes are accustomed to use stacks for maximizing the positive action.
Here is a very common stack (product combination):
Before using a stack of products, make sure you are well informed and do not miss the required Post Cycle Therapy!
Ostarine users (MK2866) talk about 3.5 – 6kg of muscle gain, especially when the use of this formulation is combined with a well-structured workout program and an equally carefully selected & balanced diet plan.
Using it during the cutting phase (following my own experience) helps to activate metabolism and increase targeted body fat burns. At the same time lean muscle mass is protected, remaining intact, despite the energy deficit.
Muscles maintain their strength and the organism does not lack energy and physical strength.
Exercises are becoming more efficient than ever before (despite strict calorie restriction).
There is increased vascularization and muscle strength. You will notice that slowly there is an increase on the weights lifted, while your sets & repetitions are promoted.
Do not misunderstand the facts this is not a fat-burning product.
However, the action provided for the cutting phase and body drying is great.
It is not only the loss of body fat & weight control but also the protection of valuable muscle mass as well as body’s overall strengthening.
Here is probably the most interesting part of this particular supplement.
SARMs belong to a new generation of products, described as “new generation steroids”.
Their action in organism is extremely mild, ensuring high effective activity & low risk of side effects.
Even cases reporting side effects following use of this SARM, were not severe cases or dangerous contraindications.
Indeed, there is always the factor of how a person uses the particular product.
Remember that this is a very powerful product used in certain dosages.
It is therefore advisable for any user to comply with this safety profile, as defined after extensive scientific research and clinical trials.
The persons who have resorted to overdose report sedative effects (especially after long-term use), meaning that, and levels of testosterone naturally produced by organism may have received a powerful blow and may need a boost to eventually recovering (not necessary but quite possible).
It is so concluded that users of this SARM may need a combination of a SARM PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).
Combined use of a PCT is also very useful (Alpha AF is recommended).
A number of Ostarine (MK2866) users have also reported severe headaches, nausea or even lethargy. Keep in mind that in most cases these side effects are a sign of product misuse (i.e. overdose).
Lethargy, headache and even nausea can be a sign of suppression of testosterone production.
Since there are many products marketed as SARMs but are ultimately endogenous or even questionable chemicals, it is good to know the supplier where you select to purchase your SARMs.
An internet search made me realize how many frauds and crooks are well set up and waiting for tricking people.
If you are not aware of the facts it is very easy to be tricked (in some cases this happens even if you know everything), showing how well established are these frauds.
A legal, reliable & certified SARM supplier in the market is Sarms4You products.
I have decided to buy and use Ostarine (MK2866) from this company as brought me a lot of confidence.
Its products go through third party audits, independent & completely objective, to ensure the product’s quality and – most importantly – the user’s safety.
The purchase of Ostarine (MK2866) is very easy via online order and delivery is prompt (at any destination).
The product is available in capsule form. Each pack contains 60 active capsules ready to use (oral use assisted by a glass of water).
HYPERLINK “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_androgen_receptor_modulator
HYPERLINK “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism
HYPERLINK “https://www.wada-ama.org/en/content/what-is-prohibited/search/Sarms” https://www.wada-ama.org/en/content/what-is-prohibited/search/Sarms
HYPERLINK “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28137616” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28137616
HYPERLINK “https://www.crnusa.org/SARMs” https://www.crnusa.org/SARMs
HYPERLINK “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_receptor” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_receptor
HYPERLINK “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen
HYPERLINK “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_steroid” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_steroid
HYPERLINK “https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/anabolic-steroids” https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/anabolic-steroids
HYPERLINK “https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/performance-enhancing-drugs/art-20046134” https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/performance-enhancing-drugs/art-20046134
HYPERLINK “https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-differences-between-SARMS-and-anabolic-steroids” https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-differences-between-SARMS-and-anabolic-steroids