EMOM Workout (Every Minute On the Minute) as the acronym implies, is the new fitness trend, pushing us to emphasize every minute.
So every minute for the minute with high training intensity for faster results.
This new program is intense, fun and pleasant, however, be careful, this is a dynamic training of high demands.
Many training sessions belonging to EMOM Workout category, with most of them may even include exercises requiring a couple to perform. Two athletes or an athlete, along with its coach, are accustomed to performing these exercises in time as required by EMOM training.
This article reveals what exactly EMOM Workout is and how differentiates from training as known until today.
Starting with interpretation of acronym EMOM (Every Minute for the Minute), the importance of every minute in this training process, is easily understood right away.
EMOM training relies on fulfillment of specific exercises per minute.
Following the successful completion of the predefined repetitions, remaining time (left over from completion of repetitions within the predetermined time) is used to rest.
Do not exceed this time
Your rest is the time you managed to win earlier, meaning that the sooner repetitions are completed, more time is available to rest.
Did you get this?
It sounds pleasant and easy but don’t make the mistake, as the physical effort is so great that your muscles are on fire.
Then move on to the next set of exercises and so on.
By trying to keep up with this pace, you are capable of maintaining your performance and control the intensity of workout.
Workouts may be aiming at endurance or muscle strengthening. They can also include equipment (such as weights, tires, resistors, bars, kettlebells, balls) depending on what ultimately wish to achieve.
Selecting a lighter weight, you aim to strengthen your cardiovascular function and stimulate your respiratory system.
However, if you choose a higher weight, more emphasis on your muscle strengthening and ribbing, as well as the development of muscle mass, is given.
Increasing the weight selected, the number of repetitions is lower, per set of exercises per minute.
On the contrary, with lighter weight you perform faster and more repetitions of the exercise (performing more intense cardiovascular stimulation on your body).
Each EMOM workout may include sets of different exercises. Usually 5 sets of 3 different exercises or vice versa 3 sets of 5 different exercises (depending on intensity and difficulty of exercise, as mentioned) complete an EMOM workout.
There are endless combinations of exercises, exercises of different intensity, different difficulty, different requirements and muscle groups. Exercises to choose according to your own requirements and goals.
EMOM Workout is a fast and fun training process, not requiring a long period and addressed to every busy person (man or woman) of our time.
Even among the obligations you have during the day, you can “steal” 15-20 minutes to carry out a complete training program maintaining you in shape and stimulating your body and mind.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is another particularly high-intensity training process.
Here is a brief look at the similarities and differences between these popular training programs.
Both programs include high-intensity training and requirements.
In the case of HIIT training, the fat burning process goes up, due to performing exercises in a short period that is, somewhat as the case with EMOM.
This practically means that HIIT increases organic metabolic rate as well, stimulating its cardiovascular & respiratory function.
With the HIIT training, the body continues to burn fat for many hours afterwards, the same as in EMOM.
These short workouts allow organism to perform a process called “after burn”, describing the extremely enhanced post-workout calorie intake.
Both workouts (HIIT & EMOM Workouts) are short-term but high-performance workouts.
In other words, they meet the requirements of modern man, not having the luxury of free time for gyms and other activities during its busy and demanding day.
So far we see a lot of similarities between the two workouts.
Nevertheless, what is the difference between them?
The time limit set by EMOM training makes things faster, more demanding and dynamic.
For EMOM training to be effective (though only 15 – 20 minutes), you will have to find it difficult to achieve a completion it in the last set performed, as you feel tired.
It means that, 20 minutes offered for high muscle strengthening and significant cardiovascular benefits, endurance & respiratory stimulation (as in HIIT training).
So pay attention to correct application of each exercise from the beginning to end, from the 1st to the last set.
Don’t get disappointed. It makes sense to find difficulties in the beginning (especially if you are a beginner in high-intensity training).
EMOM is a workout requiring apart from muscle strength, a good performance in cardio exercise, as well. So endurance, duration, concentration, patience & discipline.
This is built slowly by “working” your body and improving its capabilities.
So if you see you can’t complete the exercise selected properly (this is very important) in all 3 or 5 sets of it, then change it a little (reduce its difficulty for example, with smaller weights) so that you can keep stable your rhythm.
That is, for example, 45 seconds of training to 15 seconds of rest.
Gradually as you continue to train systematically – you will see that your endurance increases and you improve significantly, by increasing the difficulty of the sets again and catching the goal set initially.
Certainly yes. EMOM training can enhance muscle strengthening dramatically. You can implement an EMOM program at the end of your regular workout.
Its high demands will “stress” over time and will “push” your muscles even more “to have them give EVERYTHING”.
An EMOM workout (with exercises of your choice) is a good way to “check” where you stand physically, what is your physical condition and endurance.
With 20 minutes of EMOM training, you can achieve total body rejuvenation and muscle reconstruction.
You can use EMOM workouts individually or in combination with your regular workout to take it one step further and make it more difficult.
Use a timer to check the timing of the workout and follow the program and exercise / rest ratio correctly.
Even if you have difficulty with the end of the sets, don’t give up.
It is important to get your workout at the same tempo by the end, even if you need to reduce the exercise slightly.
In any other case (if muscles are cold, requiring high-intensity training) serious injuries might follow.
Just 16 minutes of EMOM training is sufficient to increase your endurance, strengthen your muscular strength, improve your training capability, strengthen your cardiovascular function and increase your muscle gains in the end.
Below is a program (indicative) to see how you can build an EMOM weight training.
1st week: 1 repeat 15 – 20 minutes at 70%
2nd week: 1 repeat 10 – 15 minutes at 75%
3rd week: 1 repeat 5 – 12 minutes at 80%
4th week: WITHOUT EMOM 1 repetition at 85 – 90% for every 3 – 8 repetitions with free rest time